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 PreCanSkate Program


The North Bay Skating Club PreCanSkate program is a component of CanSkate, and is for participants who have never skated before or who are not confident in their balance on the ice. These sessions are led by trained coaches and Program Assistants, and are designed to train the eight basic skills necessary to move into the CanSkate program. PreCanSkate often shares the ice with CanSkate.

Skaters are continuously assessed and when ready, information on moving into the CanSkate program will be provided.

There will be a slight registration fee increase when moving into CanSkate. 


  • Minimum age requirement is typically ages 3-6 years old.
  • Participants should be able to stand and walk in their skates with straight ankles off of the ice.
  • Skaters are not permitted to bring chairs or other skating aids onto the ice. 
  • Parents are not allowed on the ice.
  • A CSA approved hockey helmet is mandatory for all skaters in the CanSkate and PreCanSkate programs. 
  • Other equipment information available here.

     2024-2025 PreCanSkate Schedule